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US Amateur Radio - General (Element 3, 2023-2027) Practice Test

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1. - G0A07

What is the effect of modulation duty cycle on RF exposure?

AA higher duty cycle permits greater power levels to be transmitted
BHigh duty cycle transmitters are exempt from RF exposure requirements
CA lower duty cycle permits greater power levels to be transmitted
DLow duty cycle transmitters are exempt from RF exposure evaluation requirements

2. - G0B08

What should be done before climbing a tower that supports electrically powered devices?

AUnground the base of the tower
BAll these choices are correct
CNotify the electric company that a person will be working on the tower
DMake sure all circuits that supply power to the tower are locked out and tagged

3. - G1A10

What portion of the 10-meter band is available for repeater use?

AThe portion between 28.1 MHz and 28.2 MHz
BThe entire band
CThe portion between 28.3 MHz and 28.5 MHz
DThe portion above 29.5 MHz

4. - G1B08

When is it permissible to communicate with amateur stations in countries outside the areas administered by the Federal Communications Commission?

AWhen the contact is with amateurs in any country except those whose administrations have notified the ITU that they object to such communications
BOnly when the contact is with amateurs licensed by a country which is a member of the United Nations, or by a territory possessed by such a country
COnly when the contact is with amateurs licensed by a country which is a member of the International Amateur Radio Union, or by a territory possessed by such a country
DOnly when the foreign country has a formal third-party agreement filed with the FCC

5. - G1C06

What is the limit for transmitter power on the 1.8 MHz band?

A1200 watts PEP output
B1000 watts PEP output
C200 watts PEP output
D1500 watts PEP output

6. - G1D04

Who must observe the administration of a Technician class license examination?

AAt least two Volunteer Examiners of General class or higher
BAt least two Volunteer Examiners of Technician class or higher
CAt least three Volunteer Examiners of Technician class
DAt least three Volunteer Examiners of General class or higher

7. - G1E12

When may third-party messages be transmitted via remote control?

AUnder no circumstances except for emergencies
BUnder any circumstances in which third party messages are permitted by FCC rules
COnly when the message is intended for licensed radio amateurs
DOnly when the message is intended for third parties in areas where licensing is controlled by the FCC

8. - G2A03

Which mode is most commonly used for SSB voice communications in the VHF and UHF bands?

ALower sideband
BUpper sideband
CDouble sideband
DSuppressed sideband

9. - G2B08

What is the voluntary band plan restriction for US stations transmitting within the 48 contiguous states in the 50.1 MHz to 50.125 MHz band segment?

AOnly contacts with other stations within the 48 contiguous states
BOnly SSTV contacts
COnly digital contacts
DOnly contacts with stations not within the 48 contiguous states

10. - G2C01

Which of the following describes full break-in CW operation (QSK)?

ATransmitting stations can receive between code characters and elements
BBreaking stations send the Morse code prosign “BK”
CAn operator must activate a manual send/receive switch before and after every transmission
DAutomatic keyers, instead of hand keys, are used to send Morse code

11. - G2D02

Which of the following are objectives of the Volunteer Monitor Program?

ATo conduct efficient and orderly amateur licensing examinations
BTo encourage amateur radio operators to self-regulate and comply with the rules
CTo coordinate repeaters for efficient and orderly spectrum usage
DTo provide emergency and public safety communications

12. - G2E02

What is VARA?

AA digital protocol used with Winlink
BA DX spotting system using a network of software defined radios
CA low signal-to-noise digital mode used for EME (moonbounce)
DA radio direction finding system used on VHF and UHF

13. - G3A10

What causes HF propagation conditions to vary periodically in a 26- to 28-day cycle?

ARotation of the Sun’s surface layers around its axis
BLong term oscillations in the upper atmosphere
CThe position of the Moon in its orbit
DCyclic variation in Earth’s radiation belts

14. - G3B02

What factors affect the MUF?

APath distance and location
BSolar radiation and ionospheric disturbances
CTime of day and season
DAll these choices are correct

15. - G3C11

Which ionospheric region is the most absorbent of signals below 10 MHz during daylight hours?

AThe F2 region
BThe D region
CThe F1 region
DThe E region

16. - G4A09

What is the purpose of delaying RF output after activating a transmitter’s keying line to an external amplifier?

ATo prevent key clicks on CW
BTo allow time for the amplifier power supply to reach operating level
CTo prevent transient overmodulation
DTo allow time for the amplifier to switch the antenna between the transceiver and the amplifier output

17. - G4B04

What signal source is connected to the vertical input of an oscilloscope when checking the RF envelope pattern of a transmitted signal?

AThe transmitter balanced mixer output
BThe attenuated RF output of the transmitter
CThe local oscillator of the transmitter
DAn external RF oscillator

18. - G4C12

Why must all metal enclosures of station equipment be grounded?

AIt prevents a blown fuse in the event of an internal short circuit
BIt ensures that hazardous voltages cannot appear on the chassis
CIt prevents signal overload
DIt ensures that the neutral wire is grounded

19. - G4D07

How much must the power output of a transmitter be raised to change the S meter reading on a distant receiver from S8 to S9?

AApproximately 8 times
BApproximately 2 times
CApproximately 1.5 times
DApproximately 4 times

20. - G4E02

What is the purpose of a corona ball on an HF mobile antenna?

ATo reduce the chance of damage if the antenna should strike an object
BTo reduce RF voltage discharge from the tip of the antenna while transmitting
CTo narrow the operating bandwidth of the antenna
DTo increase the “Q” of the antenna

21. - G5A11

What letter is used to represent reactance?


22. - G5B12

What is the RMS voltage across a 50-ohm dummy load dissipating 1200 watts?

A245 volts
B346 volts
C173 volts
D692 volts

23. - G5C01

What causes a voltage to appear across the secondary winding of a transformer when an AC voltage source is connected across its primary winding?

AMutual inductance
BDisplacement current coupling
CMutual capacitance
DCapacitive coupling

24. - G6A07

What are the operating points for a bipolar transistor used as a switch?

ASaturation and cutoff
BEnhancement and depletion modes
CThe active region (between cutoff and saturation)
DPeak and valley current points

25. - G6B01

What determines the performance of a ferrite core at different frequencies?

AThe ratio of outer diameter to inner diameter
BIts thickness
CIts conductivity
DThe composition, or “mix,” of materials used

26. - G7A01

What is the function of a power supply bleeder resistor?

AIt acts as a fuse for excess voltage
BIt removes shock hazards from the induction coils
CIt discharges the filter capacitors when power is removed
DIt eliminates ground loop current

27. - G7B05

How many states does a 3-bit binary counter have?


28. - G7C12

What is the frequency above which a low-pass filter’s output power is less than half the input power?

ANeper frequency
BRolloff frequency
CCutoff frequency
DNotch frequency

29. - G8A11

What is the modulation envelope of an AM signal?

ASpurious signals that envelop nearby frequencies
BThe carrier frequency that contains the signal
CThe bandwidth of the modulated signal
DThe waveform created by connecting the peak values of the modulated signal

30. - G8B07

What is the frequency deviation for a 12.21 MHz reactance modulated oscillator in a 5 kHz deviation, 146.52 MHz FM phone transmitter?

A5 kHz
B416.7 Hz
C60 kHz
D101.75 Hz

31. - G8C16

Which of the following provide digital voice modes?

AFT8, FT4, and FST4
BWSPR, MFSK16, and EasyPAL
DDMR, D-STAR, and SystemFusion

32. - G9A03

What is the nominal characteristic impedance of “window line” transmission line?

A450 ohms
B100 ohms
C50 ohms
D75 ohms

33. - G9B04

What is the radiation pattern of a dipole antenna in free space in a plane containing the conductor?

AIt has a pair of lobes on one side of the antenna and a single lobe on the other side
BIt is a figure-eight off both ends of the antenna
CIt is a circle (equal radiation in all directions)
DIt is a figure-eight at right angles to the antenna

34. - G9C03

How do the lengths of a three-element Yagi reflector and director compare to that of the driven element?

AThe reflector is shorter, and the director is longer
BThey are all the same length
CThe reflector is longer, and the director is shorter
DRelative length depends on the frequency of operation

35. - G9D09

What is the primary use of a Beverage antenna?

APortable direction finding at lower HF frequencies
BDirectional receiving for MF and low HF bands
CDirectional transmitting for low HF bands
DPortable direction finding at higher HF frequencies